Capture d’écran 2016-07-07 à 17.18.25

All project realisation have a cost (flight tickets, on-site transportations, insurance, housing, food, supplies).

Mes projets de volontariat vétérinaire consistent à prodiguer des soins vétérinaires aux animaux sauvages et domestique. Ainsi que d'améliorer le management et leur bien être. Mais également de mettre en place des plans de sauvetage et de réintroduction pour les espèces menacées.

Mon budget prévisionnel pour une durée de trois mois en tant que vétérinaire volontaire est de 2000 euros.

The main goal of my projects are wild animals cares and conservation. As well as management and well being improvement. But also, rescuing and reintroducing plans for endangered species.

My estimated volunteer budget for of a three months period is 2000 euros.

Therefore I am looking for sponsors to carry out my projects. Your financial support is truly welcome.

To make a donation: Click on the donation box.

In exchange, I am open to many things. I can for example writing you and giving you all rights on my articles as well as my pictures on wildlife cases I will send to you.

I am at your all disposal to present you my projects. For more details you can contact me on my mail box or sending me a message in the contact part of my blog.

I hope that my request wtouch you . 

Thank you very much for them.