Barbary Sheep : id

Name: Barbary sheep
Order : Artiodactyle
Subfamily : Caprinae
Genus : Ammotragus
Species: Ammotragus lervia ( 6
Origin : Nothern Africa
Geographical distribution : Northern Africa, but been imported to North and South-west America, or Southern Europe, ….
Habitat : Arid hill and mountain habitat. Rocky and rugged terrain. When hottest period, looking for shadow in caves or under trees.
Gestation : 150 - 165 days. 1 or 2 offspring; which stay isolated from the family with her mother for the first few days of life.
Cycle de vie : diurnal
Poids :
male ; 100-140 kg, female 40-55 kg
Taille : lenght 130-165 cm height 80-100 cm
Apparence : Between sheep and goat. Stocky and heavy. Short legs and long face. Coat is sandy-brown. it changed with climate ( wooly in winter) and darkened with age. Horns are curved outward, backward, and inward toward the neck (up to 50 cm).
Différence sexe : male is bigger et heavier. Both have horns. The male's horns are ticker and heavier. He also have longer curtain of hair that hangs from the throat , chest and upper part of the forelegs.
Alimentation: grasses, herbs,
foliage from shrubs and trees
Adapt to dry climate, are able to survive long periods without drinking water.
Reproduction: between october and november.
female sexual maturity is about 18 months of age.
Occurrence : least concern
Longevity: in wild about 20 years old, in captivity 24 years old.