Marine Mammals : Id
2 Suborder : Mysticeti and Odontoceti
3 Families : Whales, Dolphins, and porpoises
A large number of Cetacea species exist. They are all aquatic species. Two suborder of cetacea exist:
Odontoceti : Cetacea with teeths and only one blowhole. They included dolphins, porpoises, beluga, sperm whales, beaked, and narwhal.
Mysticeti: Cetacea with no teeths but rows and have two blowholes. They included blue, gray, humpback, and bowhead whales.
Ordre 2 : Sirenia
2 families : Dugongidae (dugong) and Trichechidae (manatees). They are living in warm water such as mangroves.
African's manatee from Farglory Ocean Park.
Ordre 3 : Carnivora
5 families :
Otariidae, Phocidae and Odobenidae are pinnipeds. They have flippers which they use as feets. So they are able to walk on the grond.
Mustelidae and Ursidae are Fissipeds. They have paws divided in fingers.
Otariidae : Otaries
Pinnipeds with visible ears. They are able to walk on the ground due to them large flippers. They included sea lions and fur seals.
California's sea lions at Farglory Ocean Park.
Pinnipeds with no visible ears. Them small flippers dont let them walling on the ground. So they have to crawl to move. They included the seals.
Common seals at Farglory Ocean park.
Pinnipeds with no visible ears. They are able to walk on the ground due to them large flippers and have two long tusks on the front. They included the walruses
Fissipeds who discharge a musky smell feel attacked. They included the sea otters. From the same family as the curet, the badger and the weasel.
Fissipeds. They included the polar bears.
cases report :
1) Monthly routine examination on the dolphins (Farglory Ocean Park)
2) Hepatic disease on a sea otter (Farglory Ocean Park)